Everything he did was gold to me and it did not matter what others or critics thought I enjoyed every moment of Williams career. Heck it would be safe to say that because of my fandom of Williams I became a fan of movies and TV, Comedy especially. He made me look at the world with a smile and a joke. Even when I was down watching one of his movies and listening to his stand up brought me back from the brink. Reminding me to never take the world too serious.
So when the news came to me that Robin Williams had passed away I felt it to my core. It was like a family member passing. Someone I had known so long was gone in an instant. I feel even worse that this blog had not become popular enough so hopefully one day I would get a chance to meet or talk with him.
Then to find out that a person that seemed to be the happiest in the world died of suicide it was heart wrenching. How? Why? This was Robin Williams, funny man extraordinaire and to find out how he was battling with the same depression and hurt that millions feel (myself even at times have felt the world on my shoulders and considered the end as a means out) made him less super human and more human...and his passing pained me even more.
I have read post after post on Facebook, Twitter and on countless news sites. Tribute videoes have been made by the dozen and thousands of pictures have been posted. It saddened me even more to see so many people have been touched by a man they never knew but yet he did not see it.
So Robin is gone and we all grieve as his family grieves. Have a moment and catch up on a favorite Williams movie. Say a na-nu na-nu to a passerby. And remember that no man is an island Jack. Depression hits even the biggest of us so the littlest of us remember that you are not alone.
Give and help to all those affected by depression www.beyondblue.org.au
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