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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Oz Comic Con Day of Comics, Toys, Cosplayers and Queues (lots of queues)

Ok this is really late but had to be finished.

Nothing like a day of nerdiness and what a better way then to be amongst my own kind at Oz Comic Con.

Now I use the term Comic Con lightly because these conventions have less and less to do with comics and more to do with pop culture, TV shows, games and movies. And there were a lot of toys, games, stars and such but the amount of actual comics it had was seriously lacking. Guess I am an old purist.

But that being said the amount of pop cultureness was as huge as ever. And I was among those fans lining up to get in and search for the newest and coolest for their collections. Working my way through the autograph lines and picture lines for a brush with stardom.

So let's get into Oz Comic Con....wwwwooooo......ok enough excitement let's get to the nitty gritty.

So myself and the rest of the crew headed into the hallowed halls of Royal Exhibition Hall in Melbourne and were immediately placed in a queue.....first of many. Now standing by the ticket tent waiting for the media pass to get that full unprecedented access I quickly saw the lines growing and growing for those that paid for tickets and those still wanting to buy tickets. I have been among these people in the past and was glad not to be among them now. Not becuase of who those people are but because it is a long ass line....I hate lines but love dorky is a catch 22. 


Within the hall was a multitude of stands, people and toys....way too many to buy. I was glad to see at least one large company there with Nintendo showing off the latest and greatest in gaming. Would have been good to have a big comic company showing off like Marvel or DC but again not what comic cons are about anymore. King's Comics had a great showing with a stand full of trades and toys. And had a great chat with the folks from Iconic Studio Creations (and no they would not let me look in the Tardis.....something about blowing my mind and leaving me a dumbfounded vegetable after seeing in to the heart of time and space.....or just shattering the illusion of what is in there).....but it is ok...I did not want to be privy to the truth...*sniff*. 

Got a couple shots with the guys and gals of the 501st raising money for the Monash Health Services (always take a pic with these folks and give to their charity of choice for the day they do a wonderful job). 

And of course we stood in lots of lines for food, toilets, to get in....luckily with the media pass did not have to stand in the massive queue of people that had pre-purchased tickets or wanted to buy on the day......God bless those poor souls standing there in the cold waiting.

Now there were plenty of stars (check out for interview with voice over actor Jason Marsden) but unfortunately I was not able to get in for the interview day and we did not head to any of the panels. Today for us was just a look around at everyone's wares and checking out the cosplayers. Just being general sticky beaks.

Overall would say Oz Comic Con is worth the price to get in and have a quick look around and make some purchases. Head on out next year and give them a look. Next year will have to get in some interviews and get a couple pictures with a few favorite stars.

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